Manavi Pathak

Head - Learning and Organizational Development, Samsung R&D Institute India

Panel Discussion

How to Lead Learning and Development Department


Manavi has professional expertise in the area of Talent Management , Assessment, Learning & Leadership Development , Executive Coaching. Over 20 years of experience in HR Consulting ,Academics and COE roles reflect this continuing theme. Complementing strong consulting experience in the field of Talent Management, she maintains strong academic interest in this area. She has worked with eminent Personalities such as George C Thornton ( Professor Emeritus Colorado State University) as a part of her doctoral research.

She has consulted with a wide variety of organizations in India/MEA - including private, public and start-up corporations, government, and non-profit organizations and have enabled to build talent & learning and knowledge-sharing strategies. She is passionate about ensuring people have the skills, tools and desired culture/mindset they need to work effectively and collaboratively and stay engaged.